baseURL = "" # baseurl = "/" languageCode = "zh-CN" paginate = "10"# Number of posts per page theme = "mainroad" disqusShortname = ""# Enable Disqus comments by entering your Disqus shortname googleAnalytics = ""# Enable Google Analytics by entering your tracking id
[Author]# Used in authorbox name = "Godwit" bio = "Old Dog." avatar = "img/avatar.png"
[Params] subtitle = ""# Deprecated in favor of .Site.Params.logo.subtitle description = "Godwit's Personal blog about everything"# Site description. Used in meta description copyright = "Godwit"# Footer copyright holder, otherwise will use site title opengraph = true# Enable OpenGraph if true schema = true# Enable Schema twitter_cards = true# Enable Twitter Cards if true readmore = true# Show "Read more" button in list if true authorbox = true# Show authorbox at bottom of pages if true toc = true# Enable Table of Contents pager = true# Show pager navigation (prev/next links) at the bottom of pages if true post_meta = ["date", "categories", "translations"] # Order of post meta information mainSections = ["post", "blog", "news", "tools"] # Specify section pages to show on home page and the "Recent articles" widget dateformat = "2006-01-02"# Change the format of dates mathjax = true# Enable MathJax mathjaxPath = ""# Specify MathJax path mathjaxConfig = "TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"# Specify MathJax config highlightColor = "#e22d30"# Override highlight color customCSS = ["css/custom.css"] # Include custom CSS files customJS = ["js/custom.js"] # Include custom JS files
[Params.logo] title = "Godwit"# Logo title, otherwise will use site title subtitle = "老狗窝"# Logo subtitle
[Params.sidebar] home = "right"# Configure layout for home page list = "left"# Configure layout for list pages single = false# Configure layout for single pages # Enable widgets in given order widgets = ["search", "recent", "categories", "taglist", "social", "languages"]
[Params.widgets] recent_num = 5# Set the number of articles in the "Recent articles" widget tags_counter = false# Enable counter for each tag in "Tags" widget
# Common-Defined params title: "Hugo Step By Step" date: "2020-05-05" description: "如何用Hugo一步一步搭建自己的Blog" categories: - "工善利器" tags: - "Hugo" menu: side # Optional, add page to a menu. Options: main, side, footer
# Theme-Defined params # thumbnail: "img/placeholder.jpg" # Thumbnail image lead: "用Hugo搭建自己的老狗窝" # Lead text comments: true # Enable Disqus comments for specific page authorbox: true # Enable authorbox for specific page pager: true # Enable pager navigation (prev/next) for specific page toc: true # Enable Table of Contents for specific page mathjax: true # Enable MathJax for specific page sidebar: "right" # Enable sidebar (on the right side) per page widgets: # Enable sidebar widgets in given order per page - "search" - "recent" - "taglist"